Sunday 25 January 2015

Mantel`s French Revolution

Ignorant of the fact that Feedback would be taking a break over the Christmas period, I not only wrote about how Ian Jack`s review of Boris Johnson`s book on Churchill was not sufficiently critical of either author or subject,(13/12/14) but also how David Kynaston`s excellent essay on social mobility was marred by his failure to understand some politicians` enthusiasm for the return of grammar schools.(06/12/14) Criticism, therefore, of John Mullan`s detailed article on the works of Hilary Mantel because it didn`t emphasise sufficiently her self-indulgence when writing the "compendious,multi-viewpoint fictionalisation of the main events and characters" of the French Revolution, seems churlish. (Amost rare vision,17/01/15) However, I defy anyone attempting to read the 872 pages of "A Place of Greater Safety" not to be begging for Madame La Guillotine to do the necessary with Messieurs Danton, Desmoulins and Robespierre by the four hundredth page!

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